Tag Archives: Declarable Substance

IEC 62474 Declarable Substance List (DSL) – July 2018 Update

The IEC 62474 Declarable Substance List (DSL) was updated to Version D16.00 on July 8, 2018. The update includes relevant SVHCs from the recent update to the EU REACH Candidate List and a few other changes to declarable substance and reference substance entries as described below.

Declarable Substance List (DSL)
Eight of the ten SVHCs added to the REACH Candidate List on June 27th were included in the DSL based on their potential presence in EEE products. The substance review for possible EEE uses was conducted by the IEC 62474 Validation Team (VT62474) with experts from Asia, Americas, and Europe. Note: if anyone is aware of information that may be relevant to whether or not one of the substances may be present in EEE products, please forward the information to the VT (by sending an email to iec62474(at)rohs.ca).

One of the additions, the phthalate DCHP, had been proposed for the Candidate List in 2016, but the Member State Committee (MSC) representing the EU countries couldn’t agree as to whether or not it met the requirements for listing. The substance was referred to the European Commission who made the final decision and issued Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/636 in April to add the substance.

The additions to the DSL are listed in Table below.

One entry was deleted from the DSL. The restriction of BNST (Benzenamine, N-phenyl-, reaction products with styrene and 2,4,4-trimethylpentene) was repealed by Canada and the DSL entry (ID=00127) was accordingly deleted from the DSL.

IDSpecific SubstanceCAS numberCommon SynonymsTypical ApplicationsReportable ApplicationsReporting Threshold
00148Benzo[ghi]perylene191-24-2Impurities in carbon black, which is used as coloring agent in plastics and softener in rubbersAll0.1 mass% of article
00149Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane556-67-2D4Siloxanes are monomers used to manufacture silicones. They may remain as unreacted in silicone polymers and copolymers, used in many electrotechnical equipment product categories.All0.1 mass% of article
00150Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane541-02-6D5Siloxanes are monomers used to manufacture silicones. Residuals may remain in silicone polymers and copolymers.All0.1 mass% of article
00151Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane540-97-6D6Siloxanes are monomers used to manufacture silicones. They may remain as unreacted in silicone polymers and copolymers, used in many electrotechnical equipment product categories.All0.1 mass% of article
00152Disodium octaborate12008-41-2Wooden veneer sheets and pressed wooden panels (as a constituent within the starch adhesive), as a flame retardant, as stabilizer in aminoplastic resins, and as a biocide in professional and industrial wood preservation.All0.1 mass% of article
00153Terphenyl, hydrogenated61788-32-7 Plasticizers, sealants, epoxy adhesives, paints and heat sinksAll0.1 mass% of article
00154Lead7439-92-1Steel, aluminum and copper alloys, lead acid batteries, solder and other applicationsAll0.1 mass% of article
00139Dicyclohexyl phthalate84-61-7DCHPPlasticizer, dye, pigment, paint, ink, manufacture of adhesive, lubricantAll0.1 mass% of article

Reference Substance List (RSL)
Nine reference substances were deleted from the Reference Substance List (RSL). The substances are SVHCs that are on the REACH Candidate List; however, they have been previously screened out because no applications were found whereby the substances would remain in EEE products at or above the reporting threshold level. To avoid confusion that can arise when a regulated substance is on the RSL but not on the DSL, the VT 62474 agreed to remove the substances from the RSL for consistency.

One other RSL entry was modified. The RSL entry R00147 (substance name “Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD)”) was modified to remove the CAS registry number “3194-55-6”. In January 2018, a new entry (R00492) was added to the RSL with the specific substance represented by this CAS number  (1,2,5,6,9,10-hexabromocyclodecane), so listing the CAS number against the generic substance entry was no longer needed. To avoid confusion from having the same CAS number listed in two different RSL entries for the same substance group, the CAS number was removed from the generic entry.

Additions and modifications to the Reference Substance List (RSL) are shown in the Table below.

Type of ChangeIDSubstance GroupSpecific SubstanceCAS number
DeletedR00099Cadmium/Cadmium compoundsCadmium chloride10108-64-2
DeletedR00100Cadmium/Cadmium compoundsCadmium sulfate10124-36-4, 31119-53-6
DeletedR00103Chromium (VI) CompoundsChromium trioxide1333-82-0
DeletedR00104Chromium (VI) CompoundsSodium chromate7775-11-3
DeletedR00105Chromium (VI) CompoundsSodium dichromate10588-01-9, 7789-12-0
DeletedR00107Chromium (VI) CompoundsPotassium dichromate7778-50-9
DeletedR00108Chromium (VI) CompoundsPotassium chromate7789-00-6
DeletedR00162Lead/Lead CompoundsLead (II) oxide1317-36-8
DeletedR00204Ozone Depleting Substances (CFC, Halon, HBFC, HCFC & others)1-Bromopropane106-94-5
ModificationR00147Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD)Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD)25637-99-4

Material Class List (MCL)
No changes were made to the MCL during this update to the IEC 62474 database. However, a major revision to the Material Class List is currently underway — the changes will better support Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of EEE products.

Upcoming Major Changes to the IEC 62474 Standard and Database
The IEC 62474 standard was due for its periodic review and revision a couple years ago (like any other IEC standard) and the IEC/TC111 Maintenance Team has been working hard to improve the standard based on feedback we’ve received from many users and other stakeholders.

The FDIS version (Final Draft International Standard) of the revised standard was completed in March and is currently in translation; it should be available for voting at the end of July (voting is by country). In the interim, the VT62474 is busy drafting the changes to the XML schema to meet the new requirements and compiling other information that will be added to the database such as new data fields for the DSL and exemption lists. We will be posting additional information on this site over the next few months.

For immediate guidance, ECD Compliance supports manufacturers, solution providers, and suppliers on the implementation of IEC 62474. We can work with you on the transition to the new requirements and provide implementation guidance. For additional information, contact ECD Compliance.

The IEC 62474 Database
The IEC 62474 DSL is available on the IEC 62474 database at: http://std.iec.ch/iec62474. The new and modified entries have a last revised date of 2018-07-08.

IEC 62474 Declarable Substance List is Updated (June 2016)

The IEC 62474 Declarable Substance List (DSL) and the Reference Substance List (RSL) were updated on June 22, 2016. The substance lists are used globally by EEE manufacturers, suppliers, and IT solution providers as a common list of substances and substance groups that are declared throughout the supply chain. Downstream manufacturers of EEE products need suppliers to declare these substances when they are present in order to determine compliance to substance regulations around the world and as evidence of due diligence in their conformity assessment.

The update includes:

  • the one substance added to the EU REACH Candidate List on June 20, 2016
  • The entry for “Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium salts” was changed from a substance entry to a substance group and the three substances in this group were added as reference substanc.

The IEC 62474 data exchange format (XML schema and developer’s table) was not updated during this maintenance cycle.


The IEC 62474 DSL is an internationally recognized and harmonized list of substances and substance groups that are regulated and may be constituents of electrical and electronic products and systems. Electrical and electronic manufacturers and suppliers use the DSL in their design and supply chain management operations to specify and control substances of concern. The list is typically updated as needed based on regulatory changes. For additional information about IEC 62474, see the article About IEC 62474. The IEC 62474 database is available online (free of charge); the standard itself which specifies the material declaration requirements and rules may be purchased in the same manner as any other IEC standard — from the IEC webstore or a reseller.

Additions to the Declarable Substance List (DSL)

Additions and technical modifications to the DSL were driven by EU REACH. The new/modified entries are listed in the table below

IEC 62474 IDSubstance GroupSpecific SubstanceCASReportable ApplicationsReporting TresholdReporting Level
50-32-8All0.1 mass% of articleArticle
00140Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium saltsSee Reference Substance worksheet for more detailsSee Reference Substance worksheet for more detailsAll0.1 mass% of articleArticle

EU REACH Candidate List

Only one substance was added to the REACH Candidate List by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) on June 20, 2016. The subtance has potential applications in EEE and is therefore included in the DSL.

The substance “Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium salts” had been added to the DSL in December 2015 as a substance.  However, it’s actually a set of three substances; therefore it’s listing has been changed to a substance group and the three individual substances have been added to the reference substance list.

The new reference substance entries just added are shown in the table below.

IDSubstance GroupSubstanceCAS
R00471Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium saltsPerfluorononan-1-oic-acid 375-95-1
R00472Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium saltsAmmonium salt of perfluorononan-1-oic-acid 4149-60-4
R00473Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium saltsSodium salt of perfluorononan-1-oic-acid 21049-39-8

 Material Classes

There were no changes to the Material Classes.

 Additional Information

The new DSL version is D12.00.New or modified entries have a last revised date of 2016-06-23.

If anyone is aware of errors or omissions in the database (e.g. a regulated substances that is not included in the DSL but has potential EEE applications) or a regulatory reference that is out of date, please send an email to ECD Compliance and we will raise the issue with the  IEC 62474 validation team.

For further information on IEC 62474 or for support on your substance management program, please contact ECD Compliance.