SCIP Information about Product in IEC 62474

This article was updated  based on changes made by VT62474 at its January 29-31, 2020 meeting.

This post is the second in a series of posts about how to use IEC 62474 to declare information through the supply chain so that an EU SCIP duty holder (manufacturer, importer, or distributor) can meet its submission obligations in the EU SCIP database.

The first article is available at: IEC 62474 Support for EU SCIP Database

A submission into the SCIP database requires that certain minimum information about the product being manufactured or imported into the EU is provided.  This includes the Article name, primary article identifier, article category (i.e. CN customs code), safe use instructions, production in the EU, and number of units.  The “production in the EU” indicator has the possibility of a default response “Unwilling to disclose” and for the top-level product being submitted, the number of units will normally be one.  For the other data fields, the material declaration will need to report this information.

The above data is provided in the ProductID element of the XML Schema as shown in the table below.

SCIP requirementData fieldNotes
Article nameProductID nameFree text string
Primary article identifierProductID IdentifierCodeOf type UniqueEntry which includes a ListID and an EntryID. The ListID should correspond to one of the article identifier types that is allowed by ECHA, although ECHA does allow other identifier types;
If the ProductID includes multiple IdentifierCode, then the first one is considered to be the Primary article identifier
Other article identifierProductID IdentifierCodeAll instances of IdentifierCode after the first instance and meeting the SCIP information requirements may be considered to be other article identifiers
article category (i.e. CN customs code)ProductID ProductCategoryOf type UniqueEntry which includes a ListID and an EntryID. The ListID should correspond to ECHA picklist PG6_60768 (or later version).
safe use instructionsThis information will be reported with the substance (Composition) or article (Compliance).
production in the EUGeneric value of “Unwilling to disclose” may be used; alternately, ProductID countryOfManufacture may be used if provided by the supplier.
number of unitsDefault value of one is used for the product being imported or manufactured in the EU

A graphical representation of the ProductID element is shown in the figure below. The green ovals highlight mandatory information needed by downstream manufacturers for SCIP submission.The dashed ovals indicate data fields that provide optional information that may be useful to the supply chain.

ProductID showing data fields needed EU SCIP database

Technical Support on IEC 62474

ECD Compliance provides consulting support and training to manufacturers, suppliers and solution providers on the emerging capabilities of IEC 62474 and  the supply chain requirements for the EU SCIP database. Contact ECD Compliance for additional information.