Only substances that remain in the product should be declared in the material declaration file. Manufacturing chemicals that react, form other chemicals or otherwise do not remain in the product should not be reported. However, in some cases, a chemical reaction may not be complete and some unreacted quantity of an intermediate chemical may remain in the finished product. These chemicals may be reported; in fact, if the intermediate chemical is listed in the IEC 62474 declarable substances list and a quantity above the reporting threshold could reamin in the final product, then it has to be reported m– otherwise the material declaration will not conform with the IEC 62474 requirements.
A common example is the resin and a hardener used to form epoxy. The final epoxy substance must be declared if it is a declarable substance or as a voluntary declaration if it isn’t. The individual resin and hardener chemicals would not be declared unless a residual amount of the chemical remains in the product and then only the residual amount would be declared.
A user may only state that they are in conformance with IEC 62474 if they have included all reportable substances and substance groups that are present in the product above the reporting threshold.