The IEC 62474 consists of several parts, including the data exchange format (DXF), the Declarable Substances List (DSL), Material Class List (MCL) and Exemption Lists (EL). A material declaration may utilize any and all of these parts. IEC 62474:2018 AM1 states that a material declaration may be in full conformance with IEC 62474 or it may be in conformance with just specific part(s) of the standard. However, if the declaration conforms to only to part(s) of the standard it can only declare conformance to the part(s) that are used. Acceptable statements for declaring conformance are provided in IEC 62474:2018 AM1.
Full conformance to IEC 62474 would require that the responder (supplier or solution provider) use, at a minimum, the IEC 62474 data exchange format, the DSL, and the MCL. The standard also states that a material declaration may be in conformance only with the “IEC 62474 data exchange format” or only with the “IEC 62474 DSL”. This separation of conforming to parts of the standard was done to support the use of IEC 62474 in other declaration requirements and standards.
For a declaration to conform to the IEC 62474 data exchange format, it meets the declaration requirements specified in the IEC 62474:2018 document (Clause 4), the format requirements specified in the IEC 62474 XML schema and the additional requirements in the Developer’s Table. T
The opportunity to declare conformance to just the IEC 62474 data exchange format, enables the declaration against other lists. For example, the IEC 62474 is adopted as the official European material declaration standard (EN 62474) and as such the data exchange format needs to support declaration against a list of regulated EU critical raw materials as per the EU standard EN 45552. If the material declaration meets the requirements of the IEC 62474 data exchange format, but utilizes an alternate DSL, the material declaration can be claimed to conform to the “IEC 62474 data exchange format”.
Technical Support on IEC 62474
ECD Compliance provides consulting support and training to manufacturers, suppliers and solution providers on the emerging capabilities of IEC 62474 and the supply chain communication. Contact ECD Compliance for additional information.