The IEC 62474 Declarable Substances List (DSL) was updated on June 23, 2016 to include the SVHC added to the REACH Candidate List on June 20, 2016. A correction was also made to the entry for “Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium salts”. Additional information about the SVHC is included in the article above titled “EU – One SVHC added to REACH Candidate List”.
The entry for “Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium salts” was changed from a substance entry to a substance group entry and the three substances in this group were added as reference substance.
Additional information on the update is provided on the IEC 62474 blog.
The IEC 62474 DSL is freely available for download from the IEC 62474 database.