IPC-175x is a family of supplier declaration standards used by the EEE industry to communicate information about substance and material content and other information through the supply chain. The declarations are then used by down-stream manufacturers to assess parts and materials for regulatory compliance, reporting obligations, and/or for other supply management and design control functions. Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual architecture of the IPC-175x set of standards with IPC-1751A providing the top-level framework and other IPC-175x standards plugging into it.
The IPC-175x standards are developed by task groups in the IPC E-31 (recently changed from 2-18) subcommittee. A list of the standards with task groups and revisions/amendments is provided in Table 1.
Table 1: Revisions and Amendments of the IPC-175x Standards
IPC Standard | Title | Task Group | Status of Revisions and Amendments |
IPC-1751 | Generic Requirements for Declaration Process Management | E-31 | Rev A w/Amend 1 12/12 Rev A 2/10 Vers. 1.1 3/07 Orig. 3/06 |
IPC-1752 | Materials Declaration Management | E-31b | Rev A. w/Amend 1&2&3 3/18 Rev A. w/Amend 1&2 2/14 Rev A w/Amend 1 12/12 Rev A 2/10 Vers. 1.1 3/07 Orig. 3/06 |
IPC-1753 | Laboratory Report Standard | E-31j | w/Amend 1 5-18 Orig. 2/14 |
IPC-1754 | Materials and Substances Declaration for Aerospace and Defense and Other Industries | E-31k | w/Amend 1 4/19 Orig. 4/18 |
IPC-1755 | Conflict Minerals Data Exchange | E-31h | Amend 1 4/15 Orig. 4/14 |
IPC-1756 | Manufacturing Process Data Management | E-31a | Orig. 4/10 |
IPC-1758 | Declaration Requirements for Shipping, Pack and Packing Materials | E-31f | Orig. 3/12 |
The IPC E-31 subcommittee and its E-31x task groups met during the week of June 17, 2019 at IPC SummerCom to continue to evolve the standards.
IPC-1751 – Subcommittee Investigates New Schema Architecture
For the next major revision to IPC-1751B, the IPC E-31 subcommittee is planning to restructure the IPC-175x XML framework in order to better support the declaration of multiple 175x sectional declarations in a single XML file. A new XSD namespace architecture is being developed to support the new framework.
Additional information about the IPC-175x standards are available on the IPC material declaration website.