EU – Update on SCIP Data Submission Requirements

On March 20, 2020, ECHA briefed the SCIP IT User Group on several changes that are being developed for the SCIP submission format and data requirements. ECHA also provided updates on what they are doing to simplify the SCIP submissions, including:

  • Allowing third parties to submit data on a company’s behalf
  • Enabling a distributor to make a simplified SCIP notification referencing a submission already in SCIP (made by the manufacturer or importer) when the product is not being changed;
  • Refer to articles already notified in SCIP when they are incorporated into complex objects (useful for assemblers)

The following planned changes to the IUCLID SCIP submission format were presented by ECHA:

  • Concern element section
    • Data field for Candidate List version is being deleted (this was causing too much confusion)
    • ECHA is updating the mixture category list
  • Complex object component section
    • The number of units data field to indicate the number of identical articles will be optional (this field was creating significant complexity given that many products are configurable so the number of component articles isn’t known (e.g. memory devices in a computer)
  • Identifiers
    • New option in the primary article identifier dropdown list to reference an existing entry in the SCIP database
  • Categorisation:
    • Production EU Flag
      • Dropdown list options are being changed from “Yes, No, Unwilling to Disclose” to “EU produced, EU imported, Both EU produced and imported, No data”
    • Article category
      • The Taric code list (CN codes) is being updated to extend the ECHA list codes with “0” to make all the codes 10 digits long. This is being done to align with EU trade helpdesk.

These changes are expected for the October 2020 IUCLID release.