Tag Archives: IEEE 1680.1

IEEE 1680.1 – Revised Ecolabel Standard for Computers and Monitors

The draft for the revised IEEE 1680.1 “Standard for Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products, Including Notebook Personal Computers, Desktop Personal Computers, Slate/Tablets, Small Scale Servers, Signage Displays and Personal Computer Monitors” was completed by the Work Group in February 2017 and will be posted for balloting March 28, 2017.

The revised draft expands the scope of the standard to cover tablets and signage displays in addition to computers and monitors.  It also expands the scope of assessment criteria to include corporate social responsibility (CSR) and criteria that reach deep into the supply chain.

Anyone that is interested in voting/commenting on the ballot must register their interest in the IEEE Standards Association (SA) system by no later than Friday, March 24th.

Contact ECD Compliance for support on conformity to the IEEE 1680.X series of environmental assessment standards.

Principal Consultant of ECD Compliance named as IEEE 1680.1 WG Chair

On April 18, 2015, the IEEE Computer Society Standards Activity Board appointed Walter Jager, principal consultant of ECD Compliance, as the chair of IEEE P1680.1 working group (WG). P1680.1 is undertaking the update of the IEEE 1680.1-2009 standard on “Standard for Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products, Including Notebook Personal Computers, Desktop Personal Computers, and Personal Computer Displays”. The standard is used by the EPEAT registry internationally assisting governments and private sector purchasers in identifying computer products that have a reduced impact on the environment.

Paul Eastman, Sponsor Chair – SAB Special Projects, made the annoucement saying, “I am confident that the Working Group will move forward with speed and confidence under his leadership.