The U.S. EPA is proposing a regulation that will require organizations in the US that manufacture or process nanomaterials to submit reports to the EPA. The EPA expects that this will provide information that it needs to facilitate risk assessment and risk mitigation. The following WTO notification provides a general overview of the proposed requirement.
EPA is proposing reporting and recordkeeping requirements for certain chemical substances when they are manufactured or processed at the nanoscale as described in this rule. Specifically, EPA proposes to require persons that manufacture (defined by statute to include import) or process, or intend to manufacture or process these chemical substances to electronically report to EPA certain information, which includes the specific chemical identity, production volume, methods of manufacture and processing, exposure and release information, and existing data concerning environmental and health effects. This proposal involves one-time reporting for existing nanoscale materials and one-time reporting for new discrete nanoscale materials before they are manufactured or processed. This information would facilitate EPA’s evaluation of the materials and a determination of whether further action, including additional information collection, is needed. Consistent with the President’s memorandum for Executive Agencies regarding Principles for Regulation and Oversight of Emerging Technologies, this proposed rule would facilitate assessment of risks and risk management, examination of the benefits and costs of further measures, and making future decisions based on available scientific evidence.
The comment period is open until July 6, 2015. Information about submitting a comment is provided with the notification in the federal register.
The EEE industry has been a growing user for nanomaterials, providing beneficial properties in products (including many EEE components).