DIBP Phthalate Dossier for RoHS Restriction – May 20, 2014

The consultants Oeko-Institut and eunomia research & consulting have completed their RoHS Annex II Dossier for DIBP. The dossier is required by the EU Commission to submit a proposal for restriction of a substance in electrical and electronic equipment under RoHS.

The dossier provides significant data justifying that DIBP is a hazardous substances; however there is no evidence that DIBP is used within the EEE industry.  This leaves the key concern as potential substition of other Phthalates such as DBP and BBP by DIBP (once these substances are restricted) .

The consultants provide the following conclusion in the report.

To conclude, there appears not to be a justification for currently restricting DIBP on its own. If DEHP, DBP and BBP are not to be restricted through RoHS, the consultants do not see a need for the restriction of DIBP in light of its limited applicability to EEE and the low probability for this to change.

There are, however, two options for action, should it be decided to restrict the other phthalates under the RoHS Directive. In both cases, it should be noted that since DIBP is on the REACH Regulation Authorisation List (Annex XIV), its trend of manufacture and use is not expected to change within the EU, whereas for imported goods and components there is a requirement to report its content in such articles to any recipient of the article (manufactures using components containing the substance or importers acquiring products containing the substance for the EU market).

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