EU –SCIP Statistics and Update on Future Releases

In late January, the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) posted[1] statistics on notifications submitted into the EU SCIP database since it became operational. This essentially covers the first year since the legal obligation for manufacturers, importers, and distributors to notify products with REACH Candidate List SVHCs took effect on January 6, 2021. A few notable statistics […]

EU –SCIP Database Update

Updates from the SCIP IT User Group Meeting on March 25, ECHA: ECHA said that they still could not provide a forecast date for when the dissemination portal will go live. They hinted at technical issues preventing them from deploying the portal but otherwise seemed to be intentionally vague on the cause of the delay. […]

EU – Delay in SCIP User Portal

ECHA delayed the availability of the viewing portal to the content of the SCIP database. Statement from ECHA: Due to unforeseen issues in deploying technology for ECHA’s website on which the SCIP Dissemination Portal will also run, the release originally foreseen for the end of February will be delayed.           We are committed to providing greater […]

EU – SCIP Update

During the January 28 SCIP IT User Group meeting, ECHA reported that there were over seven million successful SCIP submissions, with the largest number of monthly submissions occurring in December (Figure 1). About half of the submissions have been Simplified SCIP Notifications (SSN) made by importers and distributers.               […]

EU – SCIP Database is Open for Business – Who Submits?

On October 28, 2020, ECHA opened the EU SCIP database to submissions. Various questions on sales and distribution scenarios are emerging as at who is required to submit notifications into the SCIP database, and how to best support downstream economic actors. These scenarios are discussed below. In the ECHA SCIP FAQ on “Which suppliers of […]

EU – Update on SCIP Data Submission Requirements

On March 20, 2020, ECHA briefed the SCIP IT User Group on several changes that are being developed for the SCIP submission format and data requirements. ECHA also provided updates on what they are doing to simplify the SCIP submissions, including: Allowing third parties to submit data on a company’s behalf Enabling a distributor to […]

IEC 62474 – Material Declaration Format for SCIP is Published

The IEC 62474 data exchange format (XML schema and Developer Table (DT)) update to support EU SCIP database fields was published on March 15, 2020. This is a minor update that provides additional optional data fields to support supply chain communication of select information needed for the EU SCIP database. The new version is X8.10. […]

ECD Compliance Launches EU SCIP Database Services

ECD Compliance has launched services to help manufacturers, suppliers, and solution providers understand and meet the emerging requirements for the European Substances of Concern in Products (SCIP) database. SCIP submissions pose new challenges for manufacturers, importers, and distributors while enforcement becomes easier — the EU authorities know which type of products typically contain SVHCs and […]

EU – ECHA Hosts SCIP Workshop

On November 12, 2019, ECHA hosted a workshop in Helsinki on the upcoming SCIP database. The workshop included several presentations from ECHA including an overview of the database, reporting requirements, data format, and protection of CBI, an industry presentation on global supply chains, a presentation on the view from waste operations, and an NGO presentation […]